• Originals by Blue are created using the following mediums:

    • Ink

    • Pencil and Graphite

    • Digital

    • Paint

    • Photography

    • Originals, if available, can be purchased in the online shop.

    • Prices for originals vary greatly depending on type of medium, size, complexity, and time spent creating the piece.

    Limited Edition Prints can be found in the online shop.

    • Because they are identified as limited, the print medium and size are pre-selected.

    Open Edition Prints can be found in the online shop.

    • Because these prints are not limited, print mediums and sizes can be selected in the shop. Print sizes range based on the aspect ratio of the original piece. Print medium can be chosen between 6 options:

      • Archival Matte Print

      • Archival Satin Print

      • Archival Metal Print w/ Hanging Mount

      • Archival Metal Print w/o Hanging Mount

      • Archival Acrylic Print w/ Hanging Mount

      • Archival Acrylic Print w/o Hanging Mount

    Portfolio vs Online Shop

    • A portfolio is a curated collection of art from an artist/designer intended to showcase their best pieces. Not all pieces shown in a portfolio will be for sale in the online shop.

    • The online shop is the location for purchasing products, not a full collection of work from Blue Art Studio Company.

    To learn more about the difference between originals, limited edition vs open edition prints, mediums, etc. see below in the Art Crash Course section.

    • Featured Artist Art Prints

      • Featured Artist Art Prints are professionally scanned replicas of original art created by our featured artists. Blue Art Studio Company is dedicated to making relationships with budding artists and providing an infrastructure that creates revenue on their behalf. While an artist is actively featured, Blue Art Studio Company receives ZERO profit on all prints sold under the featured artist’s name. Additionally, Blue Art Studio Company never requests ownership of their property during the artist’s feature. For more info on this program, visit HERE.

    • Featured Artists select whether they wish to sell open edition prints, limited edition prints, or a combination of the two during their feature on our website.

      • If an artist opts to sell limited edition prints during their feature, they will select size and medium for all reproductions. All available copies can be found on the online shop.

      • If an artist opts to sell open edition prints during their feature, the following 6 medium options. Please note, multiple sizes will be available but they will be pre-selected by Blue Art Studio Company to ensure the proper aspect ratio is maintained on all options.

        • Archival Matte Print

        • Archival Satin Print

        • Archival Metal Print w/ Hanging Mount

        • Archival Metal Print w/o Hanging Mount

        • Archival Acrylic Print w/ Hanging Mount

        • Archival Acrylic Print w/o Hanging Mount

  • Blue Art Studio Company is open to commissions in the following categories:

    Custom Art by our Owner/Artist Hudson Harris (aka Blue)

    • Ink

    • Pencil/Graphite

    • Digital

    • Paint

    • Multi-Media

    Promotional Art Packages

    • Events

    • Concerts

    • Etc.

    Custom Digital Posters


    To learn about commissioning in its entirety, click the link below. The “Contact” page includes a “Commissioning Information” section that covers how to contact us, pricing for each service, time-line for how the process works, and links to each service option with prices included.


  • NFT’s can be purchased through two Ethereum based marketplaces:


      • An Ethereum based NFT marketplace

      • Digital Coin Collections that can be used to collect art and apparel from our webstore.

      • Single-subject are collections such as Graffiti Alphabet collectibles.

      • One-of-a-kind digital artworks organized by collection.

      • 3-Dimensional digital artworks organized by collection.

      • Photography and mixed-media photography artworks organized by collection.

    To learn more about NFT’s, what they are and how they work, view the Art Crash Course section below or go to the NFT webpage on our website by clicking HERE.





    • Shipping is $2 on all items excluding Original art pieces and Digital Downloads. All other items are priced to include the cost of shipping, shipping materials, and miscellaneous shipping costs.

    • $2 helps us cover transaction costs and minor changes in logistics providers.


    • Originals are always priced individually based on type of medium, size, complexity, and time spent creating the piece.

    Limited Edition Prints

    • Limited Edition Prints are priced more than open edition prints, but less than the originals. They vary in price depending on how the original piece was created (medium, size, etc), the type of print material used, cost of scanning, and total number of limited prints.

    • The more rare, complex, desirable, and large the original piece is, the more expensive the limited edition print becomes.

    Open Edition Prints

    • Open Edition Prints follow a pricing guide for all 6 types of printing options.

    • To see the pricing guide, click HERE.

    Commission pricing

    • Personalized art in any of the offered mediums is priced individually. Blue Art Studio Company does have a basic structure on which commission prices are based, but a complete review of the request is required to achieve a final value.

    • Basic pricing structure link is coming soon!

    • We currently offer commissions for the following pieces:

      • Personal Art Piece (a typical commissioned)

      • Promotional Posters for Commercial Use

      • Logos for Commercial Use

    • We offer these commissions in the following medium styles:

      • Ink

      • Pencil and Graphite

      • Digital

      • Paint

    To request a commission, visit the contact page HERE and submit a request using the subject line “Commission Request - YOUR NAME”.

    NFT’s (Non-Fungible Tokens)

    • NFT pricing varies and is based on a large number of variables including complexity of the piece, popularity of the collection in which it is created, price of Ethereum, and other non-typical components.

    • Because Blue Art Studio Company NFT’s must be purchased from or SuperRare, here is a link to the NFT section of the website to better direct individuals who are interested in the crypto market place.

    • Click HERE to redirect to the NFT webpage.

    Apparel and Accessories

    • Apparels and accessories are priced based on the garment type or accessory type and whether or not it is a limited piece. Because styles and garment types change from time to time, we do not have a posted pricing guide.

    • We do our best to ensure apparel and accessory prices reflect the quality of each item without over-pricing anything. We believe cost should reflect quality, not hype.

    Digital Downloads

    • Digital Downloads are always priced at $5.

Blue Art Studio Company is the incorporated art studio of Dallas native artist Hudson Harris (aka Blue). Our goal with this page is to familiarize you with the ins-and-outs of how this website and our company functions.

Thank you so much for your interest in Blue Art Studio Company. If you have any questions please email us at or visit the “Contact” page from the main menu.

Stay classy.


